5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents for Camping @ PieIronsAndCampfires.com
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5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents

Most moms know that going camping with kids in the summertime can mean a lot of bug bites. Many of us are gearing up for summer camping and thinking about ways to keep the kids happy. One thing that has always been a problem is bugs. Itchy skin is no fun and can ruin a good time for young kids. Today I’m sharing 5 natural homemade bug repellents you can try out on your next camping trip!

5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents for Camping @ PieIronsAndCampfires.com

We all know how much bugs love our children’s tender skin, which can make it difficult to enjoy time outdoors in the warmer months. However, there are some natural bug repellents you can make at home before heading out on your next camping trip that will keep those pesky critters away from your little ones!

5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents

Whether you are having a barbecue, camping, hanging out inside or just simply enjoying the nice weather outside you can’t get away from them, bugs are everywhere! Flies, spiders, and the most dreadful of all, mosquitoes and ticks. With all of the recent news about Zikka virus and the potential for Lyme Disease from ticks, I want to make sure my family is protected.

Here are 5 natural homemade bug repellents that are easy to make and keep the bugs away, so you can enjoy your summer in peace.

Mosquito Repellent

What you will need:

Pour the lavender oil, vanilla extract, and lemon juice into an empty 8-ounce spray bottle. Fill the bottle the rest of the way with water and shake well to mix all the ingredients together. Use as you would any other bug repellent, spray on yourself and clothes.

5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents for Camping @ PieIronsAndCampfires.com

Ant Repellent

What you will need:

Take the orange peel(s) and put it into the mason jar, pour vinegar on top until the jar is full. Close the jar and let the orange peels soak for two weeks, once the two weeks are up, take and pour the orange vinegar mixture into a spray bottle. Spray wherever you see ants coming in, it is best to spray from the source spot to stop them from coming ever again. This mixture is also great to use for a cleaner!

5 Natural Homemade Bug Repellents for Camping @ PieIronsAndCampfires.com

Tick Repellent

What you will need:

Pour the oils into the spray bottle and fill the rest of the way with the white vinegar, shake well to mix the ingredients. This is great if you live in an area with a lot of ticks or if you’re going camping or hiking. Ticks are repelled by the smell of all of these oils and especially vinegar, this mixture works very well. Spray on you and your clothes before going outside.

Fly Repellent

What you will need:

Pour the oils into the spray bottle first and then add the water. Shake to mix the ingredients well and spray as needed. It can be sprayed around your tents, doorways, or windows to lessen the number of flies that get into your home.

Spider Repellent

What you will need:

Mix the lemon oil and dish soap into the water well then pour into the spray bottle. Spray on webs you see around your campsite and tent entrances and even around the outside of your house. Reapply at least once a week for the best results.

Bonus Tip: Fruit Flies

If you’re like me and have lots of produce on your counters in the summer time, you may find yourself inundated by fruit flies. You can easily get rid of the fruit flies by pouring 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to a small ramekin and adding a drop or two of dish soap. The fruit flies will be attracted to the vinegar and die in the bowl.

Bugs love the warmer weather and I know in my house, summertime means ants everywhere! These natural repellents will help keep all your unwanted bugs at bay and let you enjoy your summer. Not only that but these repellents are non-toxic and have great aromas!

Have you used any of these before? Do you have any you know that aren’t on this list? Let me know in the comments!

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